Gerry Weber International Delnica

Gerry Weber International Lastniški kapital 2024

Gerry Weber International Lastniški kapital

61,60 mio. EUR







V letu 2024 je lastniški kapital podjetja Gerry Weber International znašal 61,60 mio. EUR, kar predstavlja povečanje za 0% v primerjavi z 0 EUR lastniškim kapitalom v prejšnjem letu.

Gerry Weber International Aktienanalyse

Kaj počne Gerry Weber International?

Gerry Weber International AG is a German company with a long history in the fashion industry. It was founded in 1973 by Gerhard Weber, who started with a small textile store. Today, the company operates globally and is active in various segments, such as the fashion and lifestyle brand Gerry Weber, the casual fashion brand taifun, and the plus-size brand samoon. The company's headquarters are located in Halle (Westfalen), but it employs over 4,000 employees worldwide. The Gerry Weber International AG has specialized its brands for different target groups. While Gerry Weber targets self-confident women who prefer a modern and stylish look, taifun appeals to a younger target group that enjoys casual and relaxed fashion. samoon, on the other hand, serves women who wear clothing in sizes 42 to 54. This diverse range of target groups is also reflected in the company's products. The clothing ranges from elegant trouser suits to sporty outfits suitable for everyday wear. In addition to clothing, the company also offers an extensive range of accessories including bags, shoes, and jewelry. From the beginning, the company has focused on maintaining a high quality level for its products. This quality is also reflected in the materials used by Gerry Weber for the production of its clothing. Only high-quality cotton is used for the fabric products, and the accessories are also made from robust materials. However, this high quality does not necessarily mean high prices. The company strives to implement its quality philosophy in a way that keeps the products affordable for a wide range of buyers. In recent years, Gerry Weber has faced some challenges. The company's development has not always been as successful as planned. The expansion into foreign markets, especially Asia, has also been challenging. In response, the company has made some changes to achieve its goals successfully. As initial measures, the online business was strengthened in 2018, with a focus on the e-commerce segment. Overall, online shopping at Gerry Weber is growing stronger and will be further expanded in the future. The expansion of the plus-size segment under the samoon brand is also planned to better meet the needs of women with larger figures. However, in 2020, the company had to file for insolvency. Gerry Weber International AG is a traditional German company that appeals to a wide target group with its various brands and products. With its high-quality products and a focus on quality, it has established a strong position in the fashion industry. Despite some changes in recent years, the company remains true to its principle of offering high-quality fashion at an affordable price. The Gerry Weber International AG is a German company with a long-standing history in the fashion industry. It was founded in 1973 by Gerhard Weber, who started with a small textile shop. Today, the company has a global presence and operates in different divisions, such as the fashion and lifestyle brand Gerry Weber, the casual fashion brand taifun, and the plus-size brand samoon. The company's headquarters are located in Halle (Westfalen), but it employs over 4,000 people worldwide. Gerry Weber International AG specializes its brands for different target groups. While Gerry Weber is targeting self-confident women who prefer a modern and stylish look, taifun appeals to a younger target group that likes casual and relaxed fashion. samoon, on the other hand, caters to women who wear sizes 42 to 54. This wide range of target groups is also reflected in the company's products. The clothing ranges from elegant pantsuits to sporty outfits suitable for everyday wear. In addition to clothing, the company also offers an extensive range of accessories, including bags, shoes, and jewelry. From the beginning, the company has focused on maintaining a high level of quality for its products. This quality is also reflected in the materials used by Gerry Weber for the production of its clothing. Only high-quality cotton is used for the fabric products, and the accessories are also made from sturdy materials. However, this high quality does not necessarily mean high prices. The company aims to implement its quality philosophy in a way that keeps the products affordable for a broad customer base. In recent years, Gerry Weber has faced some challenges. The company's development did not always go as planned. The expansion into foreign markets, especially Asia, has also been difficult. As a result, the company has made some changes to successfully achieve its goals. As initial measures, the online business was strengthened in 2018, with a focus on the e-commerce segment. Overall, online shopping at Gerry Weber is growing stronger and will be further expanded in the future. The expansion of the plus-size segment under the samoon brand is also planned to better meet the needs of women with larger figures. However, in 2020, the company had to file for insolvency. Gerry Weber International AG is a traditional German company that appeals to a broad target group with its various brands and products. With its high-quality products and a focus on quality, it has established a strong position in the fashion industry. Despite some changes in recent years, the company remains committed to its principle of offering high-quality fashion at an affordable price. Gerry Weber International ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf

Lastniški kapital v podrobnosti

Analiza lastniškega kapitala od Gerry Weber International

Lastniški kapital od Gerry Weber International predstavlja delež lastnikov v podjetju in se izračuna kot razlika med skupnim premoženjem in skupnimi obveznostmi. Odraža preostali zahtevek delničarjev na premoženje podjetja, potem ko so vse dolgove poravnane. Razumevanje lastniškega kapitala od Gerry Weber International je ključno za oceno njegovega finančnega zdravja, stabilnosti in vrednosti za delničarje.

Primerjava iz leta v leto

Ocenjevanje lastniškega kapitala od Gerry Weber International čez zaporedna leta nudi vpoglede v rast, dobičkonosnost in kapitalsko strukturo podjetja. Naraščajoč lastniški kapital nakazuje na izboljšanje neto premoženja in finančnega zdravja, medtem ko zmanjševanje lastniškega kapitala lahko kaže na naraščajoče dolgove ali operativne izzive.

Vplivi na investicije

Lastniški kapital od Gerry Weber International je ključni element za investitorje, ki vpliva na vzvod, profil tveganja in donosnost lastniškega kapitala (ROE) podjetja. Višje ravni lastniškega kapitala na splošno kažejo na manjše tveganje in večjo finančno stabilnost, kar podjetje lahko naredi za potencialno privlačno investicijsko priložnost.

Interpretacija nihanj lastniškega kapitala

Nihanja v lastniškem kapitalu od Gerry Weber International lahko izhajajo iz različnih dejavnikov, vključno s spremembami v neto dobičku, izplačevanjem dividende in izdajo ali odkupom delnic. Investitorji analizirajo te premike, da ocenijo finančno uspešnost, operativno učinkovitost in strateško upravljanje financ podjetja.

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici Gerry Weber International

Koliko znaša lastniški kapital od Gerry Weber International v tem letu?

Gerry Weber International je v tem letu imel lastniški kapital v vrednosti 61,60 mio. EUR.

Kakšna je bila višina lastniškega kapitala od Gerry Weber International v primerjavi s prejšnjim letom?

Lastniški kapital podjetja Gerry Weber International se je v primerjavi z lanskim letom povečal za 0%. padel.

Kakšne posledice ima visoko lastniški kapital za vlagatelje Gerry Weber International?

Visoko lastniški kapital je za vlagatelje v Gerry Weber International koristen, saj je to pokazatelj finančne stabilnosti podjetja in kaže na njegovo sposobnost obvladovanja tveganj in izzivov.

Kakšne posledice ima nizki lastniški kapital za vlagatelje Gerry Weber International?

Nizko lastniški kapital lahko za vlagatelje Gerry Weber International predstavlja tveganje, saj lahko podjetje postavi v šibkejši finančni položaj in lahko vpliva na njegovo sposobnost, da se spopade z izzivi in tveganji.

Kako vpliva povečanje lastniškega kapitala za Gerry Weber International na podjetje?

Povečanje lastniškega kapitala za Gerry Weber International lahko okrepi finančno stanje podjetja in izboljša njegovo sposobnost za investiranje v prihodnosti.

Kakšen vpliv ima zmanjšanje kapitala od Gerry Weber International na podjetje?

Zmanjšanje lastniškega kapitala za Gerry Weber International lahko vpliva na finančno stanje podjetja in pripelje do večje odvisnosti od zunanjih virov financiranja.

Kateri so nekateri dejavniki, ki vplivajo na kapital od Gerry Weber International?

Nekateri dejavniki, ki lahko vplivajo na lastniški kapital Gerry Weber International, vključujejo dobiček, izplačila dividend, povečanja kapitala in prevzeme.

Zakaj je lastniški kapital podjetja Gerry Weber International tako pomemben za vlagatelje?

Lastniški kapital podjetja Gerry Weber International je za vlagatelje pomemben, saj je pokazatelj finančne moči podjetja in lahko nakazuje, kako dobro je podjetje sposobno izpolnjevati svoje finančne obveznosti.

Katere strateške ukrepe lahko Gerry Weber International sprejme, da spremeni lastniški kapital?

Da bi Gerry Weber International spremenil lastniški kapital, lahko med drugim sprejme ukrepe, kot so povečanje dobička, izvedba kapitalskih povečanj, zmanjšanje odhodkov in prevzemanje podjetij. Pomembno je, da podjetje temeljito pregleda svoje finančno stanje, da bi določilo najboljše strategije za spremembo svojega lastniškega kapitala.

Koliko dividende izplača Gerry Weber International?

V zadnjih 12 mesecih je Gerry Weber International izplačal dividendo v višini 0,25 EUR . To ustreza približni donosnosti dividend 1.666,67 %. V prihajajočih 12 mesecih bo Gerry Weber International predvidoma izplačal dividendo v višini 0,85 EUR.

Kakšen je donos dividend od Gerry Weber International?

Trenutni donos od dividend za Gerry Weber International znaša 1.666,67 %.

Kdaj Gerry Weber International izplača dividend?

Gerry Weber International izplačuje četrtletno dividendo. Ta se izplačuje v mesecih julij, maj, maj, maj.

Kako varna je dividenda od Gerry Weber International?

Gerry Weber International je v zadnjih 3 letih vsako leto izplačeval dividend.

Kakšna je dividenda od Gerry Weber International?

V naslednjih 12 mesecih se pričakuje dividende v višini 0,85 EUR. To ustreza dividendnemu donosu 5.662,35 %.

V katerem sektorju se nahaja Gerry Weber International?

Gerry Weber International je razvrščen v sektor 'Ciklična potrošnja'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Gerry Weber International kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da si prejel zadnjo dividendo Gerry Weber International z dne 3. 5. 2017 v višini 0,25 EUR, si moral imeti delnico v depoju pred dnevom brez pravice do dividende (Ex-Tag) 28. 4. 2017.

Kdaj je Gerry Weber International izplačal zadnjo dividendo?

Zadnje izplačilo dividende je bilo 3. 5. 2017.

Kakšna je bila dividenda od Gerry Weber International v letu 2023?

V letu 2023 je Gerry Weber International 0 EUR izplačal kot dividende.

V kateri valuti Gerry Weber International izplača dividendo?

Dividende od Gerry Weber International se izplačujejo v EUR.

Delniški varčevalni načrti ponujajo privlačno možnost za vlagatelje, da dolgoročno zgradijo premoženje. Eden glavnih prednosti je tako imenovani učinek povprečenja stroškov: Z rednim vlaganjem fiksnega zneska v delnice ali delniške sklade se avtomatsko kupi več enot, ko so cene nizke, in manj, ko so visoke. To lahko vodi do ugodnejše povprečne cene na enoto s časom. Poleg tega delniški varčevalni načrti omogočajo tudi malim vlagateljem dostop do dragih delnic, saj se lahko pridružijo že z majhnimi zneski. Redna investicija tudi spodbuja disciplinirano investicijsko strategijo in pomaga izogibati se čustvenim odločitvam, kot so impulzivno kupovanje ali prodaja. Poleg tega vlagatelji profitirajo od potencialne rasti vrednosti delnic kot tudi od izplačil dividend, ki se lahko reinvestirajo, kar povečuje učinek obrestnega obrestovanja in s tem rast investiranega kapitala.

Andere Kennzahlen von Gerry Weber International

Naša analiza delnic Gerry Weber International Prihodki vključuje pomembne finančne kazalnike, kot so prihodki, dobiček, razmerje cena/dobiček (KGV), razmerje cena/prihodki (KUV), EBIT ter informacije o dividendah. Prav tako preučujemo aspekte, kot so delnice, tržna kapitalizacija, dolgovi, lastniški kapital in obveznosti Gerry Weber International Prihodki. Če iščete podrobnejše informacije o teh temah, na naših podstraneh nudimo obsežne analize: